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浙江外国语学院留学生春季学期返校安排通知 Spring Semester Arrangement for International Students of ZISU

发布者:  时间:2020-05-14 16:09:14  浏览:

Dear International Students

Based on the overall arrangement of ZISU and the special situation of international students, we are now announcing the followed arrangements for the spring semester:

Teaching affairs 教学事宜

1. Non degree students ( language students) will continue online course in this semester to make sure all students in and out of China can join the classes equally.


2. Degree students’ classes will be arranged by each school.


(1) Students of School of Economy and Tourism Management 经管学院本科生

n Students living on campus join classes as normal.住校内的本科生,正常参与授课

n Students living off campus or abroad join online teaching .住校外、境外的本科生,本学期维持线上授课

(2) Students of School of English Studies   英文学院本科生

   Online teaching. 本学期维持线上授课

(3) Student of School of Cross Border E-commerce 跨境电商学院本科

   Join off-line teaching. 返校住宿,正常参与线下授课


Please consult your advisor in each school for details.

3. 期末考核形式由各学院自主安排,详细情况请咨询各学院负责老师。

The final exams will be arranged by each school based on the situation, please contact with your

advisor for further information.

Security and other affairs 校园安全管理事宜

1. Students who live off-campus are not asked to return to school. If any student needs to come for important issues, he/she should apply for permission on Dingtalk.


2. Students who have dorms on campus but are living outside can return to school on May 17th. However, if it’s not necessary for you to come back, we suggest you stay where you are. Students of this kind who decide to return should register through office as well.


3. The campus will still be semi-closed, students who plan to exit or enter the campus should apply for admission in advance, with proper reasons.


Contact for further details.

Ms. Erica 18968117785

(for visa affairs, campus security, non degree students affairs and so on)  

Ms.Emma 13615819009

( for teaching affairs of degree students of School of International Economy and Tourist Management)

Mr. Shan Yi 17367110017

( for teaching affairs of degree students of School of English Studies)

Ms. Wu Xiao 13957113262

( for teaching affairs of degree students of School of Cross-Border E-commerce)


College of International Education


地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区留和路299号    Add.: 299 Liuhe Rd. Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
电话&传真/Tel&Fax:0571-88213035     邮箱/E-mail: ydyl@zisu.edu.cnstudy@zisu.edu.cn; hqxy@zisu.edu.cn.

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