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公示ANNOUNCEMENT| 国际学院取消考试资格学生名单公示

发布者:  时间:2022-06-15 14:31:59  浏览:

国际学院取消考试资格学生名单公示List of Students Disqualified to Take the Final Exams


According to the 17th rule of CIE Attendance Management, students are not qualified to take the final exam if the absence rate of the corresponding course has reached 30%, while the visa will be cancelled if the average absence rate of overall courses for this semester has reached 30%. Please see the list of names below. Appeals from students are allowed in the form of paperwork within 3 days (due to June 17th,2022) since the announcement is released.



地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区留和路299号    Add.: 299 Liuhe Rd. Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
电话&传真/Tel&Fax:0571-88213035     邮箱/E-mail: ydyl@zisu.edu.cnstudy@zisu.edu.cn; hqxy@zisu.edu.cn.

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