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教育开放推广季“跨文化视野” 和山面对面 第二十四期

发布者:  时间:2024-06-11 16:22:54  浏览:



Nurdan seyis, from Turkey, who is studying Chinese language and culture now.



Q1: I once mistakenly thought that Istanbul was the capital of Turkey, but later learned that it was Ankara. I apologize for my lack of knowledge about Turkey.

Nurdan: It's okay. In ancient times, it was, but later the capital became Ankara. Turkey spans the Eurasian continent. We participate in the Olympic Games but not the Asian Games. Like the differences in food between the north and south of China, there are also differences in diet and culture between our Asian and European parts.


Nurdan:首先我会推荐我所在的城市特拉布宗,地理位置优越,临近黑海,所以也被称为黑城(Black City),因位于丝绸之路上,一直都是一处贸易中心,有港口,和其他国家有很多贸易往来,还有很多高地,加上适宜的气候,耕作、畜牧业以及渔业都十分昌盛。曾经有个特拉布宗帝国,覆灭之后俄罗斯占领了这座城市,再后来归土耳其统治,所以我们有很多老教堂,比如圣索菲亚教堂,还有苏美拉修道院,它建在山崖边,洞窟教堂埋入山壁,看起来很危险,但其实又安全又壮观。


Q2: If I want to travel to Turkey, which cities do you recommend?

Nurdan: First of all, I would recommend Trabzon, the city where I live. Trabzon is located in a strategic location, close to the Black Sea, so it is also called Black City. Located on the Silk Road, it has always been a trade center with ports and many trade relations with other countries. There are also many tablelands, and the climate is suitable for farming, animal husbandry, and fishing. Trabzon once had an empire, but after its collapse, Russia occupied the city and later it was under Turkish rule. Therefore, we have many old churches, such as the Hagia Sophia Cathedral and the Sumela Monastery. It was built on the edge of a cliff, with cave churches buried in the mountain wall. It looks dangerous, but it is actually safe and spectacular.

The second one is Istanbul, with a population of more than 15 million, which is more than Hangzhou and is the largest city in our country. As the capital of the two ancient empires in Europe, the Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire, it has preserved a glorious historical heritage, museums, churches, mosques, palaces and wonderful natural scenery, which make people linger on and forget to return. For example, the Suleymaniye Mosque, Hagia Sophia Cathedral, Sultan Ahmed Mosque also known as the "Blue Mosque" and Topkapi Palace. Perhaps you don't know that there is also a bridge called the July 15th Martyrs Bridge. On July 15th, 2016, a war occurred, causing many deaths. In order to commemorate the civilians who died, the government named this bridge across the Bosphorus Strait as the July 15th Martyrs Bridge. There is also an undersea tunnel - the Marmaray Tunnel, which connects the Asian and European parts of Istanbul.


Nurdan:1.Kebab:牛肉或者羊肉在由洋葱、橄榄油、辣椒、黑胡椒和盐制成的酱汁中进行腌制,然后煎制而成;2. Yaprak dolma:葡萄叶中包裹了由大米、洋葱、柠檬汁、橄榄油和黑胡椒等制成的馅料,通常搭配酸奶食用;3. Mercimek köftesi:由红扁豆、橄榄油、洋葱、西红柿膏、辣椒、小葱、欧芹、盐和胡椒制成,通常搭配生菜叶。4. Hamsi Tavasi:把凤尾鱼沿着锅摆成圆饼状,用油煎熟,盛入盘中后通常会淋上柠檬汁。5. Ayran:咸的酸奶,搭配肉类一起饮用,非常解腻;6. çay:土耳其红茶

Q3: At this year's International Cultural Festival, I tried several Turkish foods at your booth. Could you tell me more about them? Or are there any other specialties?

Nurdan: 1. Kebab: Beef or lamb marinated in a sauce made of onion, olive oil, chili, black pepper, and salt, then fried; 2. Yaprak dolma: A filling made of rice, onion, lemon juice, olive oil, and black pepper wrapped in grape leaves, usually eaten with yogurt; 3. Mercimek köftesi: Made of red lentils, olive oil, onion, tomato paste, chili, shallot, parsley, salt, and pepper, usually eaten with lettuce leaves. 4. Hamsi Tavasi: Anchovies are arranged in a circular shape along the pan and fried in oil. After placing them on a plate, usually sprinkle with lemon juice. 5. Ayran: Salty yogurt, which is very refreshing when eaten with meat; 6. Çay: Turkish black tea



Q4: What are the traditional festivals in Turkey?

Nurdan: October 29th is the Turkish Independence Day, and we will hold a celebration parade in the capital. April 23rd is the National Sovereignty Day and Children's Day, which reminds us that every child in the world should enjoy the right to education, health and a promising future, no matter where they are. May 19th is the Youth and Sports Day, on which schools and communities organize various sports activities to encourage young people to participate and enjoy the fun of sports.



Q5: Do you have any hobbies or special skills?

Nurdan: My home is on tablelands, so I'm good at climbing mountains and trees. When I was a child, I swam in the river. In my free time, I watch football games (Galatasaray), romantic and fantastic novels, Chinese TV series and movies. At school, I experienced wearing Hanfu, which looks very beautiful.


Nurdan:Kiraz Mevsimi是我最喜欢的电影,结局不好,我伤心了很久,但是我还是很喜欢。有一部电视剧叫Kara Sevda,也是跟爱情有关的。

Q6: I haven't seen any Turkish movies or TV series yet. Can you recommend some?

Nurdan: Kiraz Mevsimi is my favorite movie. It has a bad ending, which made me sad for a long time, but I still like it. There is a TV series called Kara Sevda, which is also about love.



Q7: How long have you been in China? Is there anything you find difficult to adapt to?

Nurdan: I have been in China for eight months. When I met Chinese people in Turkey, I didn't think they were very friendly, but after arriving in China, I found that we could communicate and they wouldn't have bad minds on me. They were happy to help me and wouldn't ask me uncomfortable questions. This was something I didn't know before. Then not only me, almost all Turks think that Chinese people eat everything, including dogs. To be honest, China is very safe for women, it's really nice. What I can't understand is that Chinese working hours are too long, and there is no or little overtime pay, which is very cruel. This is impossible in Turkey, but Chinese people are very hard-working. In terms of diet, I can't eat pork. There is pork fat in many Chinese dishes, but my Chinese boyfriend will cook noodles and dumplings for. I also like Chinese vegetables very much. There are many kinds of vegetables, and I can't eat spicy food, which seems the poison to me. Fortunately, Hangzhou's food is not too spicy.



Q8: Do you have any plans for the future?

Nurdan: I will go back to Turkey this summer vacation to reunite with my family, and then apply to return to China and study Chinese for another year. After that, I want to work in China. If we get married, we will stay in Turkey for a while. When we return to China, I can teach children English and Chinese. If the government allows it, I would like to work like this, because I can only work two years after getting married.

地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区留和路299号    Add.: 299 Liuhe Rd. Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
电话&传真/Tel&Fax:0571-88213035     邮箱/E-mail: ydyl@zisu.edu.cnstudy@zisu.edu.cn; hqxy@zisu.edu.cn.

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