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教育开放推广季“跨文化视野” 和山面对面 第二十三期

发布者:  时间:2024-06-06 08:33:30  浏览:




Suah,from Korea,who is studying Chinese language and culture now.




Q1: Can you tell me about your hometown?

Suah: My hometown is Ilsan in Goyang City, which is near Seoul, and it takes about 1 hour to take a taxi to Seoul. But I don't think there's anything interesting in my hometown, and the only thing to do is probably the Ilsan Lake Park—— is very nice for a light walk and the scenery is beautiful. It is good to walk while talking with family and friends. Of course, it is good for exercising alone. There is a musical fountain next to this park, which I think is beautiful.



Q2: If I travel to Korea, where do you recommend me to go?

Suah: I would recommend you to go to Busan, because Busan is a very famous city, there is a very beautiful seaside, and there is a scenic spot called Haeundae. My aunt lives there, so I'll go there to play. When I went to Busan, I tried raw fish, and it was really good.



Q3: Do you have any recommended Korean film and television works?

Suah: I haven't watched Korean dramas recently, but I want to recommend "Twenty-Five, Twenty-One". My favorite Korean actor is: Kong Yoo - I like his "Lonely and Brilliant Ghost" very much.


赵秀峨: 要看个人。有些人是真的不睡觉,有些人也是真的喜欢睡觉。我属于后者,一般来说我能睡足7个小时。在韩国我凌晨两点睡,在中国我很早就睡了,大概十一点就睡了。临近期末复习的话,一般来说睡得就更少了。

Q4: In Korea, don't everyone sleep?

Suah: It depends on the individual. Some people really don't sleep, and some people really like to sleep. I fall into the latter category and generally I get a full 7 hours of sleep. In Korea I go to bed at 2 a.m., and in China I go to bed early, about 10 o'clock. When the final exam period comes, many Korean students sleep less.



Q5: Do Koreans really rely on ice American style to "survive"?

Suah: Yes, we like to drink American, especially ice American, almost every day. But when I got to China, I basically drank it twice a week. I like Luckin Coffee's jasmine latte and bubble tea in China, although bubble tea is also available in Korea, but it tastes better in China.



Q6: Is there a lot of pressure to study and live in Korea?

Suah: In terms of study, the main thing is mental pressure. I think it's really not easy to be in junior high school and high school in Korea. In addition to the school bullying we see in Korean dramas, there is also pressure from academics. For example, the memorization content assigned by the teacher is also very stressful. In terms of life, prices have risen again recently, and I used to choose to order a cup of coffee at a café when I met with my friends, but now we  don't go to a cafe often.



Q7: Why did you learn Chinese?

Suah: When I was in high school, I began to pay attention to Chinese culture, and in Chinese class, my teacher showed us a Chinese youth school drama - "To Our Simple Little Beauty". That was the first time I became interested in Chinese culture, and since then, I have wanted to learn about Chinese culture and history, so I decided to study Chinese.



Q8: Have you been to China before? Why did you choose to study in Hangzhou?

Suah: Yes, this is my second time in China. The first time I came to China was in January 2020, and I went to Shanghai, Hainan and Hangzhou. I chose to come to Zhejiang International Studies University for exchange because, first, my school has an exchange program with Zhejiang International Studies University; The second is that I like the city of Hangzhou, and the last time I came to Hangzhou, I left a good impression on Hangzhou - the people in Hangzhou are very kind, and when we traveled to Hangzhou as a family, everyone came to help us. The last time I was in Hangzhou, I went to West Lake, Cirque du Soleil and Lingyin Temple. After I came to Hangzhou to study, I have already been to West Lake, Lin'an Qingshan Lake, and Ningbo.



Q9: Do you think there are any changes in you since you came to China?

Suah: I think the biggest change in myself since I came to China is my personality. In Korea, I was afraid of new challenges; But after coming to live in China, there are many new challenges and opportunities, and I have gradually developed more confidence in myself. And after I came to China, I often walked, run, and did some exercise, and I feel that I have lived a healthier life in China.





Q10: Which other cities in China would you like to travel to in the future?

Suah: I also want to go to Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Xiamen, etc. Do you have any recommendations?

Student 1: I think coastal cities are actually very similar, if you want to see a different beauty, I suggest you go to the Chinese mainland. There are Gobi and desert scenery, which we don't usually see. When I went to Nanjing before, I felt like I was home, I was from Ningbo. I think the coastal cities all feel similar, so I recommend you go inland.

Student 2: I recommend a place I would like to visit as well as Xinjiang as well. I think it's very beautiful, and recently there was a Chinese TV series called "My Altay", which is based on the prose of a Chinese female writer (Li Juan), which is a story about Xinjiang, about nomads.


地址:浙江省杭州市西湖区留和路299号    Add.: 299 Liuhe Rd. Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
电话&传真/Tel&Fax:0571-88213035     邮箱/E-mail: ydyl@zisu.edu.cnstudy@zisu.edu.cn; hqxy@zisu.edu.cn.

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